Teacher-in-Charge Desk

With a view to providing for a degree in Bachelor of Education, some educationists and person interested in education realised the crying need for the same and their unflinching determination and passionate ardour paved the way for establishing a self-financed B.Ed College for imparting training to the teachers in such Sylvan areas. Read More...

Rules & Regulations

The students admitted to B.Ed. Course must maintain an ethos commitment to a professional programme. He / She is expected to behave in a dignified manner in the college campus. The students must attend 75% of all theory classes including optional subjects as per the norms of University and NCTE. Read More...

About Our College

Our college aims at importing education with two fold objectives collective side and an individual side. From the collective side, education is expected to turn the individual into a good citizen and a good social being. On the other hand from the individual side, education will make him perfect and develop the level of consciousness in his mind.
It was Swami Vivekananda who considered education to be the "panacea" for all evils that existed in India. But the did not like the prevailing system of education - it merely turned out clerks not any original man. He wanted man-making and character-building education. Education should be both moral and intellectual. At the same time it will make man self-reliant. In accordance with these ideals, our college aims at inculcating in the educated persons some values which can only distinguish them from others. Read More...